Rest and Retreat

Until the big project is over at work.Until they get out of this stage.Until their marriage gets out of this slump.Until they get more sleep.Until their parents’ health isn’t an issue.Until they find someone who will make them happy.Until COVID is over.The list goes on.But keeping it all together is exhausting. Sometimes we can’t keep plowing ahead. Sometimes we need to take a step back so that we can move forward again. [ctt template="2" link="mgVf7" via="no" ]Sometimes we need to take a step back so that we can move forward again. @KevinPaulScott[/ctt]Two weeks ago, at ADDO’s winter retreat, we took that step back.The larger we become and the busier we get, the tougher it seems to justify pulling the entire organization away. But the truth is, the busier we get, the more we need a retreat.The word retreat is defined as act of moving back or withdrawing. It can also be a quiet or secluded place in which one can rest and relax.Retreats are valuable for teams, and they are valuable for individuals.Bill Gates pulls away for entire weeks at a time for what he calls “think weeks.” Once per year, Chick-fil-A takes every owner/operator, every corporate staff member, and each of their spouses for four days away.I know many of you are thinking, “Yeah, Kevin, a retreat would be nice, but that’s not realistic for me.”Here’s my encouragement: find ways you can pull back and recalibrate.[highlight]While many of us may not have the luxury of a sabbatical, it’s essential we find ways to incorporate rest and retreat into the rhythms of our life.[/highlight]Take some time to pull back and see the bigger picture.Take one day a week to rest and recharge.Take 10 minutes during the day to clear your mind.When it’s possible, find a way to change your physical location and slow down. A change of place and a change of pace will provide a change of perspective. And changing your perspective might just change everything.

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