Inspired Every Day

We often hear the word used to describe a flashbulb moment in the life of an off-the-charts enthusiastic person. And yes, it can be that, but it’s far more. That’s why I’ve written a book about it called Inspired Every Day: Three Indispensable Ingredients to Connect With Your Passion, and its official launch date is TODAY!

To celebrate the book’s release, I’m going to spend the next six weeks highlighting some of my favorite insights from the book. My hope is that these short blog posts will leave you feeling personally inspired and will also inspire you to read and share my new book with your friends and colleagues. Let’s dive in!People who are genuinely inspired have flashes of great ideas, but those insights arrive in the context of a mindset and a lifestyle that always blends three crucial elements:[highlight]A purpose to live for,A problem to tackle, andA partnership with likeminded people.[/highlight]

The three ingredients aren’t static. They need to be redefined and reinforced at every stage in life and every significant transition we encounter. These indispensable ingredients inspire us to dream, plan, and take bold action that changes lives, including our own.To get a clear look at the kind of purpose, the types of problems, and the nature of the people who form our intersection of inspiration, we need to look in the rearview mirror. When I look back at times when I felt particularly inspired, I can see that all three ingredients were powerfully present. At other times in my career and my personal life when I felt aimless, confused, and anxious, I realize that at least one of the three was lacking to a significant degree.[ctt template="2" link="l2a89" via="no" ]To get a clear look at the kind of purpose, the types of problems, and the nature of the people who form our intersection of inspiration, we need to look in the rearview mirror. @KevinPaulScott[/ctt]As we look more closely at these three ingredients over the next few weeks, take time to look in your rearview mirror to connect the dots so you can see the events, challenges, and people that have inspired you. You may remember a time when you became determined not to fail so badly again, or maybe you were encouraged by a trusted mentor to excel.The situations that have formed our matrix of inspiration are widely varied. They’re all important, but we won’t gain wisdom from them if we don’t take time to examine them.If you’re interested in learning more about how to stay inspired and how to inspire others, click the link below and purchase a copy of my new book!


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