Get In The Game

I remember one a story I heard from an elementary school we partner with a couple years back.

The teacher went around and asked the students what each of them did to help out at home.

“I help clean the dishes,” said one little girl.

“I clean my room,” followed a little boy.

“I take out the trash,” said another girl.

The children went on like this, volunteering the ways they help out at home. As the students started to grow quiet, the teacher noticed that one of the students had not participated or shared his answer with the class.

“Well, do you help out at home?” she asked.

“Yes, I do,” he said.

“How do you help out?” she followed.

“I stay out of the way!”

While his answer was surprising, and kind of funny, it was also sad. The boy may have given the answer in jest, but imagine if he really believes his contribution would always be more harmful than helpful?

I wonder how many adults (if they were being honest) feel the same way. Many people spend their lives trying to stay out of the game and out of the way. Are you spending your time on the sidelines or are you on the front lines? Are you involved in making your world, your community, or your school a better place? It's sad that some feel like they don’t have anything valuable to bring to the table, so they settle for living their lives on the sidelines.

This is often true of people at work. They show up every day to their job, and their goal is to simply stay out the way. They work through their checklist, answer their emails, wrap up their projects, and go home, avoiding any meaningful contribution. In doing so, individuals forfeit the opportunity to add value and make things better.

It happens in schools, in workplaces, in churches, and in communities. Too many people are sitting on the sidelines of life, instead of getting in the game. [ctt template="2" link="R8c65" via="no" ]Too many people are sitting on the sidelines of life, instead of getting in the game. @KevinPaulScott[/ctt]

If you see something you want changed, don’t be a spectator, be a contributor. Take a look at your life right now. Are you spending your time on the sidelines, or are you on the front lines, involved in making your world, your community, or your school a better place?

Get engaged at work. Find an opportunity to serve in your church. Sign up to help a local charity. Join the parent teacher organization at your child’s school. Tell your boss about the idea you had this week. Become a person of action.

The world needs what you have to offer. We are waiting on you.

[highlight]Make the decision to get in the game.[/highlight]

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