Encourage Yourself

Truett Cathy recognized this fact and famously said, “How do you know if someone needs encouragement? If they are breathing.”Ideally, we’d put ourselves in encouraging environments with people around us eager to build us up: our spouses, our children, our bosses, our coworkers, and our community. But if you’re human, chances are these relationships (even the healthy ones) aren’t always enough to fill up your cup. [highlight]It’s possible to have great relationships and community and still find ourselves in an encouragement deficit.[/highlight]When we find ourselves in that situation, what should we do?Let’s take a look at a great leader from history who found himself in a deeply discouraging situation and came out of it encouraged to move forward.This leader was King David. Most of us know the story where David first stepped on the scene. Many mighty warriors cowered in fear in front of Goliath, but David faced the giant with boldness and faith in God. David became the kind of king Israel had been waiting for and ruled his people justly, though he wasn’t perfect. In fact, there are many stories that recount his faults and failures.That’s where we find him in this moment of deep discouragement. The Amalekites, one of Israel’s greatest enemies, had raided their land, captured their women and children, and burned a city to the ground. As Samuel recounted, David became greatly distressed because his people wanted to stone him. I don’t know about you, but that would be enough to distress me. However, I love this line from 1 Samuel 30:8 when it says, “but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”Not only is David distressed because his own family members have been captured, but the people were angry with him. They blamed him that their wives, sons, and daughters had been carried away by their enemies, and they were threatening to take his life.So what does he do?He, through faith, encourages himself.Maybe you are reading this today and feeling discouraged. I want to give you three ways to encourage yourself.1. Look BackRemember what you’ve accomplished in the past and the things you have gone through to get you where you are today. You survived and were resilient. You will make it through what you’re walking through today.2. Look UpFind the bright spots. Remember the good things you’ve been given and be thankful. It’s amazing how fostering a spirit of thankfulness can lift a discouraged heart and give you a proper perspective of your circumstances.3. Look ForwardFocus on a brighter future. Dan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, said it this way: “The best way to make your present better is to make your future bigger.” When your business is struggling, what is the opportunity in the future? White it’s true that hope is not a strategy, it is an effective tool.[ctt template="2" link="0Bv6S" via="no" ]“The best way to make your present better is to make your future bigger.” –Dan Sullivan @KevinPaulScott[/ctt]If you’re discouraged, you’re not alone. You’re also not helpless. There is something you can do about it, and I encourage you to take these steps to encourage yourself today.

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